So your old buddy Fox has not written in quite a while. This seems to be a recurring theme in every blog I have written. I kept on for close to 5 years one time. I updated it everyday sometimes multiple times a day. I loved it. In fact, I looked forward to going home so I could write about my day and see who had commented. I have a grand total of two followers on this blog. WOW.. That is exactly two more than I thought would read!
I have started my own business and it is very hit or miss right now. Without going into detail about what it is I can say that I provide outdoor cleaning to people. Some weeks I will make $1500 and other weeks I will make $15. I also have applied to my local police department. Old Fox here has quite a history with the police. Although my record is as spotless as the unworn Hawaiian shirt in my closet, I am anything but a saint. Years of hard living and drugging gave Fox a name that it took years to clean up. The question of the day is whether or not the police department would hire an ex junky? Who knows.
I am not depressed anymore. My last blog read like a suicide letter. Pretty depressing stuff there. I got back on my medicine and am doing just fine. My lady and I are still together and doing well.
As I have grown older I have begun to realize how being a grown-up is not as fun as I thought it would be when I was a kid. I would always say "I wish I was grown so I could be free to do whatever I want to." The funny thing is that I will never be as free as when I was a kid saying that line. Ahh, the trappings of youth and how I long for them.