This God business is beginning to drive me to insanity. I pull up my Facebook account and, lo and behold, every three or four posts is a bible verse. I find it quite interesting that Christians, not all but many, tend to recycle the same group of bible verses over and over and over. They are always along the lines of "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son" and "No one comes to the father except through the son." Forgive me for my shoddy paraphrasing. How come these Christians use the same bible verses over and over? I think I have an answer.
After much digging and research (i.e. drinking diet soda and watching tv) I have discovered that the reason for the bible quote recycling is......drumroll please...... They have not read the rest of the bible.
Yep folks, that is my hypothesis and let me tell you why.
Your irreverent and sometimes bawdy blogger has not always been so. At one time, young Fox was a bible thumper. Yes, a bible thumper! I wanted to become a Catholic priest in my teen years but, not because of the buffet of naive young boys. Fox is and always will be a fan of the female form!
I descended on the bible in those days with a voracious appetite for knowledge of God. I began in genesis and ended in revelation. When I was finished with that book I was so thoroughly disgusted and upset. I was upset because for so many years I blindly followed Christianity without ever taking the time to really read and understand that evil evil book. I was inundated with "Jesus loves you" and "God is love" rhetoric. I believed the preachers, priests, and adults who said Christianity was based off of a good book. THey were all liars. The bible is the most misogynistic, pro murder, pro genocide, pro infanticide, pro hate book I have ever read. "Mein Kampf," Hitler's stab at writing, does not even come close to the bible. I began to read and research and stumbled upon more people like myself. We were called atheists and we were the single most hated group in America. Gotta love that Christian forgiveness and love.
I could write a large book and why God is not real or why Christianity disgusts me but it would be a moot point. I will never convince anyone to change their beliefs. BUT, and that is a big but, I truly believe that if more people actually read the bible they too will walk a similar path as I have. One cannot reconcile the bible with the teaching of Christianity. There is no way. The bible tells us that women are lesser than men, that parents should KILL their children for talking back, that God kills nations routinely out of jealousy, and that if you truly want to follow Jesus you have to hate your neighbor and your family.
It was a long hard road leaving the cult of Jesus but now that I am free from what I like to call "delusional psychosis" I can live my life in true happiness.
Now if only I can convince my neighbor to stop drawing pentagrams on my front porch and putting salt in front of the door.