Thursday, November 11, 2010

First Post

I guess the correct thing to do when introducing oneself to strangers is to tell a little bit about oneself.

I am a lot like an onion. If you peel back the flaky exterior and really dig to the center I am liable to make you cry.

  • I am a Human. Some may say that being a human is a given but there are some really smart monkeys that can type. I am not one of those monkeys, I just wanted to clear up any confusion that you may have had.
  • I am a male. It is not really important but this is my blog and I can do what I want!
  • I am a recovering drug addict. I used to do drugs, really do drugs. I was not one of those namby pamby "i smoke pot on the weekends" guys. I injected massive amounts of deadly chemicals directly into my bloodstream every single day. It was pretty much a twenty-four hour a day job. I finally got fired from being a drug addict. The pay sucked and the retirement was some shaded plot at Sunnyvale Cemetery. I was never a big fan of shade anyways.
  • I am an atheist. This is my most recent achievement. I would like to thank the bible for helping me understand that God is not real. Being an atheist is the most freeing and rational achievement I have ever accomplished. It is amazing at how much more astounding the world becomes when you realize that no God was needed.
My plan is to update on a regular basis, develop a huge following, become semi-famous, and retire using the huge piles of money I will make from plugging products such as delicious Coca-Cola, soft and wonderful Kleenex brand tissue, and well built vehicles from our German neighbors at Volkswagen.

dreamhost good host

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